
Arabon Small Business Accountants data analytics

Four common mistakes SMEs make with their data and how they can be avoided

Australian businesses are behind their international counterparts in employing data analytics, but this isn’t because they don’t want to.  The unspoken problem is the lack of information provided informing businesses about how they can use their data correctly. Sadly, it isn’t as simple as analysing customer numbers, sales or demographics data.  While this information is

Four common mistakes SMEs make with their data and how they can be avoided Read More »

How to ride out this wave of uncertainty with a stability plan

Author: Brent Szalay, Seiva This article outlines the steps and provide you with the tools to do create a stability plan.  A stability plan will allow you to make clear decisions in the face of the kind of uncertainty we are currently experiencing.  It focuses on forecasting and managing your cash flow, as well as understanding the

How to ride out this wave of uncertainty with a stability plan Read More »